Saturday 8 November 2014


what is it that makes are heart beat so fast when two women fight ??? .is it the outfits they wear ?? their sexual prowess ?? there willingness to fight for their man or the desire to be the better woman ?. for many years man has been excited by the thought of two ladies competing to be the better woman . women compete from the moment they meet when they are out on a night . who is wearing the better outfit ?? do I have the better hair ???and ami wearing better lingerie than my rival ?? . without realising women are always in competition in the workplace or on an evening out it only comes to the surface when tempers flare and it becomes a bitchfest . women have an animal instinct to compete and love the fact that man wants to watch especially if the particular woman in question is winning wed love to hear your thoughts at bitchfight and want you all to let us know . thanks . .

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